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About Lifesparq Swim Training
The Ultimate System to Faster Swimming
Swimming should be fun, interesting, engaging and help you produce results you desire.
Over the years, training for the sport of swimming has evolved from mainly aerobic, high volume training, to more anaerobic, power & high intensity training.
And if you spend time in psychology circles, you'll know that over recent years, our understanding of psychology, neuropsychology, flow science and human behavior has also been upgraded.
We now know, how these specific psychological areas can have an enormous impact on athletic performance.
With the Lifesparq Swim Training System you'll be proactively trained in both physiological & psychological areas. You'll also learn how to build internal motivation, eliminate shoulder pain, get creative with your workouts and best of all...swim faster than you ever have before!
The science of our progression is a three (3)-day training cycle of aerobic, power/speed, & anaerobic training - all focused in efficient (energy saving) technique. Within that cycle lies our system of physiological & psychological training that's unlike anywhere else in the world!
Workouts are both a science and an art. Let Lifesparq Swim show you how both work together!
Why Lifesparq Swim Training...
Suitable for All Swimmers
Professional Coach

Some of What's Included:
Technique focused workouts
Aerobic Workouts
Power & Speed Workouts
Anaerobic Workouts
Dryland Mixed Into Swimming
Posture & Balance Enhanced
A few simple, but powerful drills
Mental Training
and much more...